
Alnet Technologies is proud to have partnered with BEE123 to offer our clients another value-added solution.


B-BBEE Scorecard Software

Features and functionality that will revolutionize your B-BBEE.

Calculating and understanding one’s B-BBEE score prior to audit is essential. With the BEE123 Scorecard Calculator this becomes easy. Simply enter a few numbers and the software will do the rest.

The Dashboard provides a live and real-time summary of your current B-BBEE scorecard achievements in the form of graphs and tables. This serves to create a very practical and visual overview of your B-BBEE achievement.
Prior to making any business decisions, the Scenario Planning Tool will quantify exactly how your B-BBEE Score will be affected should you take such steps.

Gap Analysis and Own Target Set measures performance relative to specified targets (either those per the Codes or your Own) and highlights shortfalls or over-performance. In addition, it converts complex percentage targets into practical measurement indicators such as Rand Values or headcount targets.

The Scorecard Compare feature allows users to compare the current scorecard with prior year results or even scorecards across divisions, on a side-by-side basis. This allows you to easily asses and track change, movement and progress made on your B-BBEE Scorecard.
When creating a new scorecard, you can now select to Rollover data from an existing scorecard. This function will pre-populate your new scorecard with the relevant data that remains unchanged (i.e. ownership and management control), thereby ensuring an easy transition from one verification period to the next without the need to recapture from scratch every year.
Getting your file ready for your B-BBEE audit needn’t be a daunting task. Collate and store all the required supporting documentation with our Online Document Management System. No more paper based BEE files!
At the touch of a button, the Verification tool generates the verification spreadsheets, fully populated with all of your relevant data that your verification agency will require to conduct the B-BBEE Audit. This saves administration time and resources.
Our Reporting Tool allows you to graphically depict your B-BBEE compliance across a variety of graphs, charts and tables, serving as an invaluable aid for reporting to management and visually assessing your B-BBEE achievement.
The BEE123 system generates the B-BBEE Commissioner’s Statutory Report for JSE listed companies – saving weeks’ worth of effort and stress – all at a click of a button!
The BEE123 Consolidation Tool allows for the consolidation of multiple entities or divisional scorecards, thereby ensuring that B-BBEE performance can be assessed at an individual or group level. The BEE123 Consolidation Tool has a sophisticated rule selection functionality, allowing for customised consolidation, catering to any group structure inclusive of cross sector consolidation, at the click of a button.
We all know how laborious and admin intensive managing the Preferential Procurement element can be. Our Advanced Supplier Manager Module is an automated system that helps you manage your suppliers Online with built-in optimisation intelligence! With access to our database of over 40 000 curated and indexed certificates, BEE123 takes out the hassle of Preferential Procurement and manual searching for supplier certificates, at the click of a button.

Calculating and understanding one’s B-BBEE score prior to audit is essential. With the BEE123 Scorecard Calculator this becomes easy. Simply enter a few numbers and the software will do the rest.

Sensitive user information (like identification numbers and salary amounts) are encrypted when stored on the BEE123 database, ensuring that this data cannot be viewed by unauthorised individuals. The implementation of the latest security and authorisation capabilities endorsed by Microsoft, ensures that the BEE123 system has a powerful identity management system. Authentication occurs over SSL and is token-based. User Management allows you to control and specify what access the additional users will have.
Much of your relevant B-BBEE data will already be housed in another system (e.g. your accounting or payroll & HR systems). Moving this data across into BEE123 becomes easy with our Integration technology. If you do not use a Sage product, BEE123 offers an API for easy integration. In basic terms, APIs allow applications to communicate with one another – APIs define the rules that programmers must follow in order to interact with BEE123.
The User Management System allows you to control and specify what access to the BEE123 system your users will have, truly ensuring the segmentation and protection of sensitive information.
Our notes function serves to create a Task Management Functionality whereby tasks can be assigned to users. This creates a complete overview of what needs to be done, by when and by whom, not only ensuring that you are on top of things, but that users are accountable to deliver.
For B-BBEE audit purposes, granular level information is required to be provided. Simply capture your BEE activities and interventions directly into the BEE123 Software and this information will automatically be consolidated, tabulated and fed directly into the Scorecard Calculator.
The BEE123 System has been enhanced with new features and functionality to systematically forecast, track and manage your YES Programs, including YES target calculations and prerequisite tracking throughout the year.

B-BBEE Content & Resources

The BEE123 system houses a variety of resources, constantly updated, to keep you abreast of the latest BEE developments, news and content.

Our Templates section houses a repository of prerequisite templates that need to be in place for your B-BBEE audit.
The BEE123 Knowledge Centre explains B-BBEE concepts, terminology and formula in simple English, with plenty of practical tips, tricks and guidance.
Keep abreast of the latest news and developments in the B-BBEE space via our news section sourced from a variety of third party content providers. Access all B-BBEE legislation in one place, at the click of a button.
The BEE123 What’s New section keeps you up-to-date with the latest enhancements and changes to the BEE123 software system.The BEE123 What’s New section keeps you up-to-date with the latest enhancements and changes to the BEE123 software system.

Implementation, Training, Advisory & Support

SA’s top B-BBEE advisory team and implementation specialists.

We ensure that all users of the BEE123 System are fully trained on its functionality and features via on-site and web-based training sessions .
Our specialist implementation team provides detailed software implementation, training and assistance ensuring your BEE123 Scorecard Software is fully populated with all your data transferred from your other Systems (e.g. Payroll, Finance).
An Initial comprehensive consultation session with our expert B-BBEE consultants will be conducted at your premises. During the session we will unpack and explain the Revised Codes, apply them in a practical fashion to your business (across all scorecard elements) to understand its impact on your Score, and then together devise an appropriate strategy.
Our interim Review Sessions provide monitoring, analysis and strategic guidance at specified intervals, assisting you to ensure that your B-BBEE strategy, scoring and implementation is on track.
Our B-BBEE Online Advisory service gives you access to our expert BEE Consultants for your ongoing queries.
Technical Support is provided to assist with all the technical queries that you may experience on the BEE123 system.
A BEE123 Advisor will review your B-BBEE audit file prior to your submission to your verification agency or auditor, thereby ensuring best possible results and maximised scoring potential.
Post-audit advice will be provided to you regarding any appeals you may wish to make on your preliminary rating, thereby ensuring an accurate and optimized rating.

BEE123 is SA’s leading B-BBEE software developer and advisory business. The BEE123 B-BBEE Management Software System provides powerful and cost-effective software and services to track, plan, manage and implement your B-BBEE, whilst facilitating strategic and meaningful transformation.

BEE123 offers a complete range of tools, software, directories, information, training interventions and advisory services, inter alia:

B-BBEE Management Software

B-BBEE Advisory and Training

Ownership Solutions

Enterprise and Supplier Development Solutions



Trusted by hundreds of South African businesses, their client base is diverse and spans the full range of corporate South Africa from multinationals, JSE listed entities to family-owned businesses. Manage your B-BBEE process effective with the easy to use Sage BEE123 software tool.

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