Software Development
ALNET Technologies (Pty) Ltd formed an alliance with Winjit, a global award winning software development provider to provide software development services to our value added clients. From conventional software development to mobile application development. The solutions range is continuously evolving to fulfil the demands of the dynamic business environments.
Expertise >
We have expertise in end to end product development from conceptualization, validation, planning and development to product maintenance
Best Practices >
We adopt best practices like iterative methodologies and add value through domain experience throughout the development life-cycle.
Scalable and Cost-Effective >
Customized, scalable and cost-effective application development that offers comprehensive application management for maintenance, optimization and testing.
Development Services
Internet of Things (IoT) >
By deploying an in-depth analysis of your industry and the devices associated with it, Winjit is able to convert your business’ standard operations into IOT integrated systems. The data from these systems can be further analyzed to improve your business and its accessible channels.
AI and Machine Learning >
With Machine Learning Solutions you can process
data and gain essential business insights.
These solutions utilize specific algorithms associated with
advanced data mining strategies to help drive business
procedures as effectively as possible.
data and gain essential business insights.
These solutions utilize specific algorithms associated with
advanced data mining strategies to help drive business
procedures as effectively as possible.
Product Engineering >
By identifying your required products market, trends and niche Winjit is able to develop a unique and functional solution to meet your business requirement
Blockchain >
KonnectSense brings the abstraction layer of different DLT protocols that allows leveraging various public and private blockchain platforms for its underlying strength.